Sunday, March 9, 2008

Super Suicide Society

I got six other boys to join me and Gene's club. I came up with some rules that will be fun to do. In the beggining of each meeting me and Gene have to jump out of the tree. I really do not like the athletic program there at Devon High so I came up with a new sport called blitzball. I wanted it to be named after something to do with the war. So Bobby Zane came up with the name blitzkrieg, so then I made it into blitzball. "Or just blitzball," reflected Finny. "Yes blitzball" (29). That is how I came up with the name. The rules are that your arms have to be behind your back and you have to try and tackle the person with the ball. If you have the ball then you can either run with it or you can pass it off to some one else. "No. You keep your arms crossed like this on your chest, and you just butt the ball carrier. No elbowing either..." (29). I am explaining the rules to everyone. Later that day Gene and I are swimming alone and I wanted to try and break a record for wimming. I wanted to try snd break the 100 yard free style that was set by A. Hopkins Parker. His time was 53 seconds. I ended up beating it by .7 second. "I had looked up at the watch; he had broken A. Hopkins Parker's record by .7 second" (35). I broke the record and I couldnt believe it. Gene wanted me to do it again in public with the officials and everone there but I said no. "No, I just wanted to see if I could do it. Now I know. But I dont want to do it in public" (35). I did not want any one to know because i did not want A. Hopkins Parker to lose his record when he deserved it more than I did because he practiced long and hard for that and I did not even practice one day for it. The record does not mean that much to me any ways. Later I asked Gene if he wanted to go to the beach and he said sure even though we were not suppose to go there. We ate dinner at a hot dog stand and we got beers because we had fake draft cards. we fell asleep on the beach.

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